September 30, 2022

Stroke can cause cognitive decline. The frequency of cognitive impairment after an ischemic stroke ranges from 20 to 30%, with an increasing risk in the two years after stroke. According to recent studies, 25% of patients suffer from poststroke dementia, and the risk of poststroke patients developing dementia within the following five years is nine times higher than in the healthy population, especially for cognitive domains such as memory and attention. Prevention of secondary strokes and specific treatment for the improvement of cognitive function should be a main task of the management of cognitive impairment following cerebrovascular disease. Secondary stroke prevention includes control of risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and hyperhomocysteinemia. Homocysteine is an  independent risk factor for stroke. Strokes caused by hyperhomocysteinemia are usually followed by cerebral microangiopathy and multiple infarction that can reduce cognitive function in various domains.

Ingestion of 0.5–5 mg folic acid, use of neuroprotective drugs, antianxiety medicine, hypnosedatives, and antidepressants has side effects and is expensive. Therefore, the use of natural medicines, especially in the more effective herbal form rather than the active component (isolation of the pure compound) is getting more and more popular in our days.

September 14, 2022

Since aging is a constant and universal process, elderly individuals face many health problems associated with aging. One problem common in old age is constipation.  It is estimated that 40% of individuals aged 65 and older experience constipation, which increases to 74% if they live in a nursing home.

If it is not treated, it can cause many complications including fecal incontinence, anal fissures, bowel perforation, gas and bloating. For constipation management, pharmacological, non-pharmacological and surgical treatment methods can be used. Considering the cost and complications of pharmaceutical treatment, the tendency to use non-drug methods such as complementary medicine and traditional medicine has increased.

The main non-pharmacological methods generally used in constipation treatment are lifestyle changes including increasing physical activity, liquid consumption and fiber consumption. In addition, biofeedback, acupressure, reflexology and abdominal massage are other preferred methods for constipation management.

September 14, 2022

Hardening of the arteries is a common disorder that occurs when fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up inside the walls and arteries and form hard structures called plaques. This is often aggravated by inflammation of the arteries. Over time, this can block the arteries and cause a wide number of cardiovascular conditions. Coronary artery disease concerns the delicate arteries supply blood to the heart.

September 10, 2022

An embarrassing condition caused by bacteria and other pathogens that grow in the mouth. Gum, mints, mouthwashes and other products designed to fight bad breath are only temporary cures and may actually compound the problem by feeding the bacteria. Essential oils are particularly helpful in overcoming the root causes of bad breath and thus helping to prevent serious diseases throughout the body that begin in the mouth.

August 31, 2022.

Environmental pollution associated with heavy metals has been of global concern over many decades. These heavy metals are natural components of the environment but high rate of industrialization has been responsible for their wider diffusion and dispersal in the environment. Cadmium as a heavy metal has received considerable concern environmentally and occupationally as it has longer half-life and low rate of excretion making its level in the environment to increase.


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