Friday, May 31, 2024 - 02:26

May 31, 2024

Reflex segmental massage is a method of treatment and relaxation based on the stimulation of special points on the human body. This technique is based on the idea of the connection between different organs and points on the surface of the skin. Reflex zones, which are sense organs, make up segmental lines on the human body. During the massage, the therapist works on these points using various techniques that have a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs and the general condition of the body.

The advantages of reflex segmental massage are obvious. This method can be used for treatment of many diseases and various disorders of the body. It has not only therapeutic, but also preventive properties. In addition, massage promotes relaxation and improves overall well-being. Reflex segmental massage is also a safe alternative to pharmaceuticals, has no side effects, and can be used both alone and in combination with other treatment methods.

Reflex Segmental Massage: Importance and Value

The importance and value of reflex segmental massage is in its ability to improve overall health and well-being. The benefits of this massage method include:

1. Stimulation of blood circulation and metabolic processes: Massage improves blood circulation and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues, which contributes to their functioning and regeneration.

2. Relieving muscle tension: Massage helps to relax tense muscles, improves their flexibility and mobility. This is especially useful for chronic back, neck or shoulder pain.

3. Improving organ function: Massage affects the reflective areas that are associated with certain organs. This can help improve the functioning of relevant organs, such as the heart, lungs, or digestive system.

4. Stress and tension relief: Reflex segmental massage has a calming effect on the nervous system, which helps to reduce stress and tension levels.

5. Boosting immunity: Massage can help strengthen the immune system, activate the body's defense mechanisms, and increase its ability to resist infections and diseases.

Reflex-segmental massage is an effective and safe method for health improvement. When used correctly, it can help treat a variety of ailments, improve overall well-being, and improve quality of life.

Benefits of reflex segmental massage for the body

Improvement of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. During the massage, the capillaries are stimulated and their enlightenment is improved, which contributes to a better supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body. Also, massage enhances lymphatic drainage function, helping in the removal of toxins and toxins.

Relieves muscle tension and spasms. The load of modern life often leads to the accumulation of tension in the muscles. Reflex segmental massage allows you to relax tense muscles and relieve spasms, eliminating the sensation of pain and discomfort.

Stimulation of the immune system. Massage helps to activate the immune system by improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, which helps the body fight infections and diseases.

Improvement of the functioning of internal organs. The reflex zones that are stimulated during the massage correspond to certain organs in the body. Massage allows you to normalize the functioning of these organs, improving the general condition and functioning of the body.

Reducing stress and tension levels. A delicate effect on the body and various reflex points helps to relax the body and reduce stress levels. Massage has a calming effect and improves the psychological state.

Having familiarized yourself with the advantages of reflex-segmental massage, you can see its great importance for the body. Gentle and targeted effects on certain areas help to achieve harmony and balance in the body, improve its functions and general well-being.

Technique of reflex-segmental massage

1. Preparation of the patient. Before starting the massage, it is necessary to make sure that the patient is in a comfortable and relaxed position. It is recommended to perform a small warm-up procedure to stretch the muscles and prepare them for massage.

2. Choosing a massage area. Reflex-segmental massage involves influencing certain zones or segments of the body, which are associated with certain organs and systems. For this purpose, points are used that reflect the state of specific organs and segments of the body.

3. The use of various massage techniques. When performing a reflex-segmental massage, various techniques are used, such as circular kneading movement, rubbing, vibration, light stroking, etc.

4. Sequence of massage. It is important to follow a certain sequence of effects on zones or segments of the body. Usually, massage is started with the upper parts of the body (head, neck, shoulders) and gradually goes down, having a massage effect on the back, lower back, legs and feet.

Massage technique          

Circular kneading  movement -  Gently circular movement of  the palms of your hands pre-warmed with oil or massage cream, allows you to prepare the tissues for a more intense  massage.

Grinding - Massaging tissue back and forth or across directions using fingers, palms or forearm helps to improve blood circulation and relax muscles.

Vibration  -  Speed and rhythmic impact on the tissues with the help of light, trembling movements. Helps relieve tension and improve circulation.

Light stroking -       Soft and gentle patting or running the palm over the body. It is used to end the massage and calm the patient.

5. Completion of the massage. At the end of the massage, it is necessary to give the patient a little time to relax and recuperate. It is also recommended to suggest that the patient drink a glass of water to remove toxins from the body.

The technique of reflex-segmental massage requires certain skills and knowledge. It is recommended to contact a qualified massage therapist who can effectively carry out the procedure and achieve the desired result.

Features of reflex-segmental massage for various organs

Each organ in the body is correlated with a specific segment of the spine and the corresponding nerve endings on the skin. The reflex points that are located on these segments are a reflection of the state of the corresponding organs. When performing a reflexological massage of certain areas on the skin, the corresponding nerve endings and organs are activated, which helps to restore their normal function.

Organ                                         Segmental zone

Heart -          Interscapular region (between the III and VII thoracic vertebrae)

Liver -          Right hypochondrium (segments of the VI-VII thoracic vertebrae)

Lungs -        Upper back (segments of the I-III thoracic vertebrae)

Stomach -    Lower scapula (segments of the VI-X thoracic vertebrae)

Kidneys -     Lumbar region (segments of the I-V lumbar vertebrae)

Bladder -     Lower abdomen (segments II-VII of the lumbar vertebrae)

For each organ, there are appropriate massage techniques that allow you to achieve the best effect. Massage is carried out in accordance with certain techniques, including superficial and deep kneading, rubbing, vibration and other techniques.

The main advantages of reflex-segmental massage are:

  • Improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the body;
  • Normalization of the functioning of organs and systems;
  • Relieving muscle spasms and pain;
  • Relaxation and overall health benefits.

Reflex-segmental massage is an effective and safe method of treatment and prevention of various diseases. It is important to carry out the massage correctly, observing all technical and hygienic requirements in order to achieve the best result and avoid negative consequences.

Source: Рефлекторно-сегментарный массаж: значение, преимущества, техника (