Sat, 08/20/2022 - 13:10

August 20, 2022

Constipation is a disorder of gastrointestinal motility characterized by difficult or decreased bowel movements (less than three times a week). It may be caused by a change in diet, medication, a change in daily routine, abdominal surgery or acute emotional stress. Longer-lasting constipation, however, generally occurs when disease, poor diet, muscle spasticity, physical obstructions, sluggish contractions, or other factors cause stool to move through the colon at a slower-than-normal pace, until by the time it reaches the end of the large intestine it has lost a great deal of water and has become hard, dry, and difficult to eliminate.  Even those who have a bowel movement every day may have hidden constipation, that is, feces remaining in any of the three divisions of the colon or in the rectum itself.

According to Naturopathic medicine there are three primary causes of constipation, atonic (due to dilated or ptosed intestines, loose rectal muscles, or inactivity), spastic (due to irritation caused by food, medicines, parasites or emotional stress) or obstructive (due to adhesions from surgery or infection).  Treatment includes nutrition (including dietary changes, probiotics, digestive enzymes and dietary supplements), internal and external hydrotherapy, botanical and homeopathic medicines and manual therapies such as massage and visceral manipulation. Colon hydrotherapy may be employed as a method of stretching the muscles and fascia of the colon from within.

June 2, 2022

Aging is the result of the natural course of time that leads to physiological, possibly psychological, and social changes.  In addition to experiencing physiological changes, elderly adults face significant events such as retirement, the death of friends and family members, separation from social activities, and changes in social and economic relations, which affect their mental health, happiness, and compatibility. Estimates suggest that about 18% of adults over age 65 experience depressive symptoms. Depression in older adults can manifest differently than in younger people. Instead of sadness, older adults may experience a numbness or lack of interest in activities as their main symptoms. Additionally, more elderly adults in care facilities report anxiety than those living in a community (3%-20% compared to 1.4%-17%). Both anxiety and depression can reduce quality of life.

May 15, 2022

Fatigue is a subjective feeling of tiredness, weakness, or lack of energy and motivation. It is distressing and highly prevalent in adults, particularly in those diagnosed with cancer, receiving hemodialysis or suffering from chronic diseases. It has no specific mechanism and can occur at any disease stage.. Aromatherapy can be delivered by inhalation, massage, compression, or foot baths. Research indicates that aromatic inhalation stimulates the olfactory nerve cells and the integumentary and lymphatic systems, triggering the release of neurotransmitters, such as endorphins, peptides, enkephalin, serotonin, and noradrenaline, which can enhance wellbeing and relaxation, thus reducing chronic stress.  

September 5, 2020

Healing touch is the most natural of instincts. We massage the back of our neck when we feel tense. We massage our toe when we stab it.

Essential oils enhance massage and the more regularly we use them the more effective they become. There’s no need for elaborate application systems or complicated massage techniques. We are more likely to use essential oils regularly if we can quickly master safe, simple, convenient, and pleasant ways of using them.