Sunday, April 23, 2023 - 15:34

April 23, 2023

Going swimming in a chlorinated pool? You may want to consider inhaling thyme essential oil. Sodium hypochlorite (used to purify pools) can wreak havoc on the skin, lungs, and eyes. Inhaling thyme essential oil reduced the harmful effects of sodium hypochlorite on the lungs in a preclinical model. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is a chemical compound composed of sodium, oxygen, and chlorine. It is used in the food industry, health care, purification of drinking water, endodontic treatment, disinfection, and bleaching. It was used at 3–5% concentration in household disinfectants (bleach), 0.5–10% in endodontic treatment, and 10–25% in fabric bleaching. Household disinfectants are especially easy to access and widely used. Due to its strong oxidizing properties, sodium hypochlorite can cause significant risks from long-term exposure. Sodium hypochlorite inhalation exposure is common in households and industry due to using as a disinfectant.

It is stated that NaOCl has harmful effects on the pulmonary system.  Long-term use of bleach can cause asthma-like symptoms in some users without a history of allergy. It is important to take protective measures or develop remedial practices against sodium hypochlorite exposure, which has negative effects and is frequently used in daily life. At this point, inhaling essential oils with antioxidant properties, such as thymus vulgaris, can protect against the strong oxidizing effect of NaOCl . It has been stated that the main components of thymus vulgaris, thymol and carvacrol, have beneficial effects on the respiratory system. Thymol is known to be used in treating respiratory diseases. Carvacrol, a powerful antioxidant, effectively prevents many diseases. Studies have shown that, in addition to its antioxidant properties, carvacrol has anti-inflammatory, antitumor, analgesic, antihepatotoxic and antimicrobial effects.