July 18, 2024
Lemongrass essential oil has been used for decades to treat respiratory infections, sinusitis, bladder infections, high cholesterol, digestive problem, varicose veins and also for regeneration of connective tissue. It has anti spasmodic, anti-pyretic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, insect repellent, sedative, vasodilator and flavoring properties. In china, it has been used traditionally as a remedy for stomach and liver diseases and also to treat rheumatism. Since lemongrass oil possess various pharmacological actions, it is also quite useful in dentistry.
Anti-plaque activity.
Plaque, which is also known as biofilm produced by bacterial toxins is adherent to tooth surfaces and may lead to gingivitis. Plaque will get trapped in inter dental spaces and accumulate bacteria in them and induces an inflammatory reaction in the gingiva. Hence, ultimately it will lead to gingivitis which on further progression leads to periodontitis. Lemongrass oil can be used as an adjunct in mouth washes in order to prevent plaque formation and also to remove the plaque. Thereby it will inhibit the tooth decay formation. A study published in the journal of ethno pharmacology proved that essential oil of lemongrass is effective in busting through the tough biofilm that Candida hides behind and therefore it can be used as a mouth wash and toothpaste to remove biofilm, which ultimately forms plaque.
In management of periodontitis.
Periodontitis is an inflammatory condition caused due to oxidative stress along with microbial toxins. It is characterized by inflamed tissue with or without bleeding around the teeth and there will be loosening of the collagen fibers around the teeth leading to super infections followed by mobility of the teeth. Lemongrass oil has anti-oxidant properties, which helps in prevention and treatment of periodontitis by increasing the level of thiol anti-oxidants and also by reducing the bacterial load. Thus, according to recent researches, lemongrass oil has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, anti-proliferative, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, which indicates that it can be used to treat various diseases in human. Lemongrass essential oil can be used in a mouth rinse or tooth paste or in medicament to treat various dental issues.
Natural mouthwash
Nothing works better than a homemade mouthwash. As per a study, lemongrass oil is beneficial in reducing gingivitis levels. Just pour 2-3 drops of lemongrass essential oil into a cup of distilled water and swish the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds. Repeat up to three times daily.