April 2, 2017
Australian Blue™ was originally formulated with only 5 oils in it. It was re-formulated a few years ago and is now a formula containing 16 essential oils. The most important ingredient is Blue Cypress. The Aboriginal Tiwi people in Northern Australia used this thick oil to help with multiple physical problems. It was a sort of “go-to” oil for these people. Next we have the strong floral note of Ylang Ylang that promotes relaxation and balances male and female energies and restores confidence and equilibrium. Next we have Cedarwood, an oil high in sesquiterpenes which stimulate the limbic part of the brain, the center of emotions and memory. White fir supports the body and creates a feeling of grounding, anchoring, and empowering. Geranium is an oil to release negative memories and ease nervous tension. It is balancing for the emotions, lifts the spirit, and fosters peace and well-being.