January 16, 2018

Helichrysum essential oil has been used in traditional Mediterranean and South African medicine practices for centuries, particularly for the treatment of various bacterial and fungal infections. Today, helichrysum oil has become increasingly popular due to the numerous health and beauty benefits it offers, especially for the skin. Helichrysum oil is made up of a unique blend of constituents, including two main ingredients, a-pinene and italidione, which are discussed below.

January 4, 2018

Chronic pain is an unfortunate reality that many people have to deal with on a daily basis. It’s estimated that more than 100 million Americans are burdened by pain, and a good majority of them report that their pain severely impacts their quality of life.

A survey known as the Voices of the Chronic Pain found that, of people suffering from chronic pain, 60% experience “breakthrough” (i.e. very intense) pain every day, 77% feel depressed, 70% have difficulty concentrating, 74% have low energy levels, and 86% have difficulty sleeping.

And perhaps the saddest finding of all was that 51% of these people feel helpless to control their pain.

This data makes it abundantly clear that aches and pains are not just a minor inconvenience—not just “a part of growing older”—but rather a significant problem that deeply affects the lives of those suffering from it.

If you or a loved one can relate to these statistics, know this: You don’t have to feel helpless. There are plenty of steps you can take to alleviate your pain, quickly, safely, and naturally.

December 27, 2017

The decisions you make every day influence your personal health. Whether you decide to have that donut laden with trans fat and sugar or choose to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes ultimately affects your long-term health. The more good choices we make each day the better our health and the lower our risk for disease. But what if your decisions today affected not only your health but the health of your offspring for generations to come. As weird as this may sound, the field of epigenetics suggests this may be something we should consider as we make our daily choices.

November 12, 2017

Throughout history, tea tree oil has been used for many therapeutic and medicinal purposes. According to belief of the Aboriginal people of Australia, tea tree oil has amazing magical healing powers. There is even a tribal legend about the hidden treasure of the tea tree, which is described as an enchanted lagoon where the leaves of the tree were soaked after falling in, infusing and enriching the waters. In order to get all physical and mystical benefits that the waters possessed, the village people should immerse themselves in the natural herbal bath. When the Australian Aboriginal people have long recognized tea tree as multi-faceted healing oil, the rest of the world thought it was just a weed.  For a long time Aboriginal tribesmen used tea tree to cure infected wounds and reduce poisons in the system (especially those given by spider bites), tea tree was only recognized by Western cultures in the early 1900s.

November 10, 2017

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a culinary spice that spans cultures – it is a major ingredient in Indian curries, and makes American mustard yellow. But evidence is accumulating that this brightly colored relative of ginger is a promising disease-preventive agent as well, probably due largely to its anti inflammatory action. It’s a popular herb of Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicine, and its therapeutic uses date back thousands of years. According to numerous researches, turmeric root can have a significant positive effect on neurological, cardiovascular, metabolic, immune system, and cellular health. It may even help support your thyroid and promote longevity. The natural compound that gives turmeric its rich golden color is curcumin.


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