March 23, 2023

2 pinch  - Cardamom

1 tsp  -  Honey

1c  –  Milk

1 pinch – Nutmeg

¾ tsp – Poppy seed.


1. Ground the poppy seeds in a coffee grinder or mash with a mortar and pestle.

2. Add to a small saucepan with 8-12 ounces of milk. Boil for twenty minutes and serve.

3. Add honey, ground cardamom and nutmeg, and serve.

Soothing Sleep Aid

Poppies really can be associated with sleep; indeed, the Latin botanical name of the flower, Papaver somniferum, translates as “sleep-bringing poppy.”

Poppy seeds are a natural sedative and can help to promote sleep. They are also an excellent source of magnesium, which is a mineral that is essential for good sleep. Magnesium helps to relax the muscles and nervous system, and it also plays a role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle.

March 22, 2023

One of the main mistakes that we make is to consider that we have high level of stomach acid when we have acid burning sensation. You go to the doctor thinking that you have acid reflux, and doctor prescribes medication to neutralize your stomach acidity. Then you might notice that many new symptoms appeared  (such as feeling tired, losing hair, developing allergies, etc).But acid burning sensation can be caused by a delayed production of stomach acid as well as by excess production. When stomach acid production is delayed, the stomach contents may be already in the duodenum by the time the acid is produced. Then the stomach burns because there is no food to buffer it.

Today we are going to discuss How to Test Your Stomach Acid Levels At Home.

March 16, 2023

Frankincense has so many uses and is one of my favorite essential oils. It has a rich tradition of use that dates back centuries.Frankincense essential oil (FEO) is produced from trees of the genus Boswellia that are native to the Arabian Peninsula, northeast Africa, and India. The Boswellia genus contains about 20 different species. Popular types include B. carteriiB. sacraB. serrata, or B. neglecta which occur in different locations and show different compositions of oils. Most of the Frankincense essential oils are obtained by steam distillation of an oleo gum resin of Boswellia species.

March 13, 2023

Fermentation of carbohydrates presents in a food by oral bacteria results in a decrease in the pH of plaque and demineralization of enamel and finally formation of dental caries. Streptococcus mutans (S.mutans) is considered to be the principal bacterium causing tooth decay in humans. Glucosyltransferases (GTFs) from Streptococcus mutans bacteria play critical roles in the development of virulent dental plaque (ferment carbohydrates that decrease pH of plaque leading to tooth enamel demineralization), which provides an ideal site for colonization by microorganisms and is involved in the development of dental cavities.

March 11, 2023

Many people suffer from blockage of blood vessels, and if treatment is not started on time, diseases may occur. Clean, healthy blood vessels contribute to the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve the quality of life, and prevent the development of hypertension, stroke or atherosclerosis.

Why you need to clean the vessels

Gradually, the vessels become less durable, elastic, and patency is impaired. This happens due to the fact that salt and slag are deposited on the walls.It is important after forty years constantly to check the level of cholesterol, and if it is above the norm, it is time to clean the vessels. You can clean the vessels with tinctures of herbs, medicines, but before you start, you must first cleanse the intestines, then the liver, then the kidneys, and only then proceed to clean the vessels.


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