The Western school of massage therapy is constituted of three equally important branches: preventive massage therapy or Therapeutic Massage (TM), Medical Massage (MM) therapy, and Sports Massage (SM). We will concentrate on the first two. The preventive role of massage therapy is a critical component in the maintenance of our health. The major medical benefit of regular stress-reducing massage sessions is a balance between the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems which control the basic functions of our body.

The increasing demand for processed foods, detection of microorganisms in some of these products, and consumer preference for “natural” over synthetic preservatives have driven research in essential oils (EOs) known for decades to have antimicrobial properties. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that lemongrass EO and its volatiles can inhibit a range of bacteria and fungi known to be the major causative organisms for several storage and food-borne pathogens.

Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease described by a decrease in bone mass and bone mineral density in addition to bone degradation, which may increase bone fracture risk and skeleton frailty and induce dangerous difficulties.
Calcium is an essential component in bone formation and is considered as the key element of hydroxyapatite, and its use as a therapy for bone resorption is evaluated. Improving the dietary intake of calcium is a nutritional target to prevent osteoporosis.

Staring at your computer for hours or listening to kids whine after a long day can bring on nasty symptoms like light and sound sensitivity, a tight neck, and a stiff jaw. With enough triggers, these minor irritations can send most people’s tolerance over the edge. For times like these, create a roll-on chock-full of essential oils that provide relief.

Have you ever tried “detoxification “ or “cleansing”? Or at least have you been thinking about it? Detoxing used to be used only by the most extreme natural health groups. Today, it has become a common thing, and more and more people get amazing benefits from flushing out toxins and other harmful substances. Thus, they recharge their bodies and achieve improvement of overall health. But while physical cleanses certainly have a variety of health benefits when done correctly, emotional health – an important part of overall wellness – is often overlooked.


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