Our sense of smell is one of the strongest triggers for emotions and memory. Diffusing special fragrances into your home during the holidays is a special treat that invites a special experience that you can reminiscence about in the coming years.


Our sense of smell is one of the strongest triggers for emotions and memory. Diffusing special fragrances into your home during the holidays is a special treat that invites a special experience that you can reminiscence about in the coming years.

Celebrate Holiday Season With These Essential Oils

Young Living                                                                                                                December 1, 2016

The holidays are here, and we couldn’t be more excited! Whether or not you get to go dashing through the snow or over the hills and through the woods, these essential oils are here to help you make the most of the holiday season.

Click here to learn more about how your order can qualify for these rewards, or shop now for these Young Living favorites. Try these fun new uses for these two oils, which can be yours for free with your qualifying order in December:

Secrets of Sleep

                                                     November 18, 2016
We've all heard it before: get your eight hours of sleep and watch your life improve. But the reason we've all heard it is because it's true, and research keeps showing the importance of sleep and its variety of health benefits.

Three Ways Dr. Lindsey Elmore Makes Rare Oils Last

Young Living                                                                                                              November 15, 2016

Many of our members have been concerned about our low supply of difficult-to-source essential oils. Some of our oils are available only on a seasonal basis, and other oils are so rare that I am grateful to have ever had exposure to them.

Warm Up with Our Lavender Hot Chocolate Recipe

Young Living                                                                           November 11, 2016

Because of its floral notes and enchanting flavor, Lavender is a delicious addition to many foods. Take your hot chocolate from ordinary to gourmet by adding a little Lavender Vitality to the mix!

Six Essential Oils Your Skin Loves

by Young Living                                 November 6, 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

For centuries many cultures have looked to essential oils to enhance their daily lives, perform religious rites, support wellness, and wear as perfumes. Not only are essential oils extremely versatile but many also contain naturally occurring constituents that are practically made for one particular usage: beautifying the skin. Unlike skin care products that rely on harsh and synthetic ingredients, essential oils use their natural properties to brighten, smooth, and moisturize the appearance of skin in a way that leaves you feeling perfectly pampered.

The best part? You can easily add essential oil goodness to your regimen with our Essential Oils for Skin Care Set. This holiday exclusive includes Lavender, Tea Tree, and Frankincense essential oils, so it’s a great way to get started with skin care oils or share them with a friend! Here are our ideas for using these and other skincare favorites to get your glow on!

Add Power to Your Power Nap


Young Living                                                                                                                  November 3, 2016

Do you worry that you’re not getting enough sleep each night? You’re not alone. The Centers for Disease Control reports that nearly 30 percent of American adults average less than six hours nightly, rather than the recommended 7–8 hours. Chronic sleep deprivation can have long-term health consequences, and on a day-to-day basis, not getting enough z’s can leave you sleepy and slam the brakes on your productivity and creativity.

It might be tempting to turn to junk food or an energy drink to get you through the 2 p.m. lull, but consider taking a power nap instead. Think that a short sleep break sounds a little on the lazy side? Think again! Influential nappers have included Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Napoleon, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, George W. Bush, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Each of these figures already knew what science is now confirming: A power nap can boost your memory, cognitive skills, creativity, and energy levels.

The Best Uses for Thieves Essential Oil and How to Make It

                                                                                                              October 29, 2016

Thieves essential oil is a powerful combination of five oils: clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary. This oil mixture has many uses and you can easily make it at home using my simple recipe which I am going to share with you.

Thieves essential oil is said to date back to the 15th century. Its recipe originated from a group of four thieves and grave robbers who came up with the concoction to protect themselves against contracting the Bubonic plaque while robbing the bodies of the deceased. When they were caught, the thieves gave up the recipe in order to receive a less severe punishment for their crimes.
